Jumaat, Disember 25, 2009

Advent Calendar Day 24

Well, today's Advent Calendar animation isn't that... exciting. So I procrastinated and coded a guild layout instead. I haven't tried it on the actual guild homepage yet so I don't know if it'll work. This is my first time editing pictures for background slices. I think it looks really great.

I am taking the screen shots right now. They're all really big in width and height so I'm gonna post them in different post. O_o I'm still worried Photobucket would reduce the size though... Why do I have to be so detailed? That post is gonna be really long. :P :)

Today's Gifts:

Like usual, skip this if you don't want to ruin the surprise. Go visit Advent Calendar instead. :)
Advent Calendar 24 December 2009, Neopets

.... Okay, that book is cute. The Acara with the presents is cute too. But, am I being mean when I say that Shoyru should cry because its her fault for doing last minute shopping? I know things happen.... but I still don't feel anything except for the Acara. She's really nice!

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